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This One's for the Ladies!
Posted by      08/24/2011 00:00:00     Healthy Tea    0 Comments

Women have conquered unthinkable odds in the past few decades. We've  become multifaceted business moguls, competitive athletes and supermoms who fight for rights and break glass ceilings. With the world at our fingertips, why then can it seem impossible to conquer our own hormones?

Herbal teas and natural herbs found in loose leaf tea blends may provide a basis for balance and promote your well-being. From PMS, through pregnancy and even menopause, you can find a useful tea in each facet of feminine health!

Pre Menstrual Syndrome: PMS

  • A few herbs often seen in hot teas are known to ease symptoms of PMS. These include valerian root for cramping, dandelion to decrease bloating and stinging nettle which promotes healthy blood to relieve anemic type symptoms and fatigue.
  • Bedtime teas are great if you're experiencing PMS as they often contain valerian root for pain, aide in relaxation and do not contain caffeine, which can make PMS symptoms worse.  
  • Chamomile tea is another option for reducing discomfort as it soothes the stomach, reduces anxiety and calms the mind and body.


  • While some teas are safe to enjoy during pregnancy, it is important to avoid caffeine, carefully read tea ingredients to ensure they are all safe and always check with your midwife or doctor before ingesting any new product!
  • Ginger teas are useful to any experiencing nausea or an upset stomach and especially usefull to women with morning sickness. Ginger is even safe during breastfeeding. **
  • Peppermint tea also calms nausea, settles the stomach and has a cooling factor and delicious taste~
  • Red rasberry leaf is an ingredient in many pregnancy teas that is rich in iron and believed to not only reduce nausea as well, but also promote uterine health. **


  • With many menopausal symptoms occurring simultaneously, many women find ocmfort in natural cures. Tea is a healthy supplement to a routine targeted toward menopause discomfort.
  • Teas with mint, black cohosh or sage in them can significantly cool and reduce hot flashes.
  • Licorice root found in many tea blends eases fatigue and mood swings and chamomile tea settles anxiety and helps combat menopausal insomnia.
  • In addition, drinking tea daily, especially green tea, may slow the visible and physical effects of aging and can have an impact on reducing bone loss!

Personally, I love peppermint teas and blends with chamomile and dandelion to be some of my favorite additions to a hot tea routine aimed at bringing balance and promoting health. Find your own combination that best benefits your needs so that you can live each day happy, strong and to the fullest!


**represents information approved by the American Pregnancy Association

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