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Will You Use Tea for Cleaning Your Home?
Posted by      08/21/2014 16:00:00     Tea Culture    0 Comments

Tea for Cleaning Your Home?


You’re probably thinking good tea is best drank than used to clean boring old windows and floors. Can’t argue with that!

But when I found out that tea can actually be used to keep your house clean, I couldn’t help but feel a greater reverence for this drink. It’s like the gift that keeps on giving! Somehow, it always fits into our daily lives, even in the most mundane possible way.

So if you’re done scoffing at the thought of not drinking but *gasp* using tea for cleaning, here are the top 3 ways to use tea for more domestic pursuits:

How to Use Tea for Cleaning

1. Clean Your Microwave with Green Tea

Because all the dirt of a microwave are conveniently hidden behind a closed door, it can take a lot of time before I realize that it’s actually in dire need of a good scrubbing. By that time, it would probably have a distinct unpleasant smell.

Apparently, green tea can be used to remedy the situation! Just boil water, steep the tea, wait for it to get cold, and voilá! You now have a good scrub for the inside of your microwave that’s both good for cleaning and deodorizing!

Source: http://housekeeping.about.com/od/savemoney/qt/cleanerstea.htm


2. Clean Glass Windows with Black Tea

california-tea-house-tea-for-cleaning-squareGlass is a great way to allow natural light into your house. It saves energy and it gives the house a brighter, fresher atmosphere than any wallpaper can. But it’s also very annoying to clean. While I usually resort to using the ol’ newspaper and water technique, it’s nice to know that I can actually use black tea to clean them glass windows as well.

Simply boil, steep, and cool it enough so you can transfer it to a spray bottle. Spray all glass with the tea and scrub away! It’s also an effective method for medium to dark hardwood floors.

Source: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/diy-black-tea-window-cleaner-176386


3. Bring Back the Color of Outdoor Wooden Furniture with Black Tea

Okay, this requires a huge amount of black tea (about 4 or 5 tea bags). But if you have wooden outdoor furniture that’s starting to look sad after getting soaked under too much sun, this could be a good solution.

Simply make a pot of strong tea (4 or 5 bags or 2 spoons of loose leaf tea) then mix into a bucket half-filled with water. Now grab a broom and wrap it in old pantyhose, dip it into the bucket, and sweep away. That’s it! No need for drying or further scrubbing!

Source: http://www.lifestyle.com.au/diy/cleaning-with-tea.aspx


That’s the top 3 I found most interesting on the Internet. How about you, have you seen, read, or tried any method for cleaning using tea? How was the experience? Would you even use tea for cleaning your home? Let me know in the comments below!


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