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Non-Dairy Creamers for Tea
Posted by      09/27/2011 00:00:00     Tea Recipes    0 Comments

It's a hard life, spending mornings as a tea-taster

As dairy-free alternatives to milk become increasingly popular, more and more tea aficionados are curious about adding these products to tea.

As a lactose-free tea-lover myself, I took a few hours this morning to experiment with various non-dairy milks in tea.

I tried Almond Breeze unsweetened original, unsweetened vanilla, and sweetened vanilla almond milks in black tea. The unsweetened original and unsweetened vanilla almond milk did very little to cut the astringency of the tea, but the sweetened vanilla almond milk tasted almost identical to vanilla cow's milk. The texture was also very smooth and creamy.

Ah, the difficult life of a lazy morning tea-taster: someone's gotta do it!

Next up was my favorite dairy substitute: coconut milk, which has a wonderful delicate flavor by itself and many health benefits. I was secretly rooting for this contender! But, alas: I used unsweetened, unflavored coconut milk and it retained a very strong coconut flavor that did not complement the taste of the black tea.

Soy milk (I used Silk brand's sweetened vanilla) proved to be the best overall substitute. The texture and taste was very close to cow's milk and the sweetened vanilla almond milk, but I had to use much less of it (approximately half a tablespoon) for the same result.

As more and more people explore dairy-free options, I am sure that many more products will become available, but for now, soy milk and almond milk are my favorite substitutes for cow's milk in tea.  


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