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Make Your Own Green Tea Incense
Posted by      06/26/2010 10:20:52     Green Tea Life | Fair Trade Tea    0 Comments

Don't throw away your used green tea leaves!  You can make your own green tea incense creating a wonderul aroma and eliminating bad odors.

Follow these steps to make your own green tea incense:tea incense

1) Roll your used green tea leaves into a small tight ball.  The tighter the ball, the slower the burn.

2) Place the used tea balls on a small tray and dry them in the sun on a window sill or outside. 

3) After your used, green tea balls are dry you can store them in a cool, dry place.

4) When you're ready to use your home made tea incense.  You can purchase a Japanese tea-leaf-burner, also known as a 'cha kouro', or any other candle based incense burner. 

The style of incense burner you need is one that elevates the dry tea leaves above the candle flame in a steel cup and the leaves are heated from below, but not directly lit.  I've even heard of people heating the leaves on a iron skillet on the stove.

The tea incense ball will smoke lightly.  Green tea incense has a very nice, smell and also absorbs pet odors!

Interested in making your own tea incense?  Experiment with used tea leaves from other tea types as well and let us know the result by commenting below. 


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