Having a proper kettle is a must for making a cup of great tea. But unless you are an avid tea drinker, investing in a kettle may not be on your priority list. Or maybe you are super passionate about tea, but you are traveling, and you know you won’t have access to a kettle. The good news is you can still make a cup of delicious tea using other brewing methods. So, how to make tea without a kettle?
Here are the 5 ways you can try.
Making tea with other appliances
If you don’t own at a kettle but have access to other appliances such as a stove, microwave and a fridge, making a tea without a kettle can be quite simple.
1. Boil the water on the stove
Before electric kettles, stovetop kettles were used for making a cup of tea. You can use a small, clean, odor free saucepan to heat water for tea. Bring it to a boil regardless of which type of tea you are making, then allow it to cool down to a desired temperature. For making a traditional cup of tea, it’s usually better to use slightly hotter water than water that’s not hot enough. This method is brilliant for making more than just one cup of tea at a time and you can steep the leaves directly in a saucepan if you want. Turn off the heat and cover the saucepan when steeping. This way is also amazing for making milk teas. For milk teas, simmer the tea leaves on low heat.
Pros: very easy, fast, you can use it for any type of tea, great for making larger quantities of tea as well, the best option for making milk teas, better flavor than a microwaved tea, the best alternative to using a kettle
Cons: you have to keep an eye on the water, may be difficult to guess the right temperature
2. Microwave it
Using a microwave is also an option for making a cup of tea. However, heat only the water, not the tea leaves. Make sure your microwave is clean and odor free and only use microwave safe cups. You’ll also need a tea infuser or disposable tea bags. This way is good for making a cup of traditional strong tea or steeping flavored blends.
Pros: very easy, fast, you can use it for any type of tea, great for making one or two cups of tea
Cons: unless you know your microwave well, it may be difficult to guess the right temperature, flavor may be flat
3. Cold brew it
Cold brewing is amazing for making anywhere from a cup to half a gallon of tea completely effortlessly. Cold brewing may also have some advantages over traditional brewing, such as lower caffeine content [1] and increased antioxidant properties [2] for some types of tea, especially green tea. To cold brew tea, simply use a clean jug, jar or a teapot and add ½ -1 tablespoon of tea leaves per quart of water, cover and steep in the fridge for 3-8 hours. Green and white teas will take less time to steep, while fruit, herbal and black teas may take longer. Drink it within 24 hours.
Pros: almost effortless, great for making lighter but very refreshing tea, may provide additional benefits, good for any type of tea, amazing for summer
Cons: takes time, you’ll need a jug with a lid, some teas will require over 8 hours to brew, different flavor than a hot brewed tea
Making tea without appliances
If you don’t have any appliances available and still want to enjoy a cup of tea, you can try the following methods:
4. Ice brew it
Ice brewing method is especially popular for Japanese green teas. While it may give a tasty tea, this method is suitable for only some teas and will require lots of ice and patience. Your tea will be ready once the ice melts. You’ll need a teapot or a cup, ice and a strainer (if using a cup). Place some ice cubes into a teapot or a cup and add a heaped teaspoon of tea leaves.
Pros: fun way to brew tea, requires no effort
Cons: takes time, not suitable for all tea types, suitable for making only smaller quantities of tea
5. Sun brew it
Sun brewing is simply brewing tea using the heat of the sun only. You’ll still need a fridge or at least ice before serving your tea, though. However, it requires even less effort than any of the previous methods. Use approximately ½ - 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per quart of water and place them into a clean jar or a jug with a lid. Set aside in a warm sunny place and let it steep for 3-5 hours. This method is best for black teas, but you may use it for other types, too. However, avoid flavored fruity blends. If you are adding condiments such as lemon and honey, add them after the tea is sun brewed.
Pros: very easy, great for making large quantities of tea, different taste than a traditional cup of tea
Cons: tea can be spoiled more easily, so wash the jug thoroughly before sun brewing, not good for all tea types, not suitable for winter
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