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DIY Green Tea Sunscreen
Posted by      03/28/2013 08:30:00     Green Tea Life | Fair Trade Tea    2 Comments

green tea sunscreenGreen tea has been widely patronized by people not just simply as a drink but also as other forms of commodity - especially as a beauty product.

Numerous skin care items have been developed with green tea as the base component due to its high level of antioxidants. There are skin gels, creams, toners, cleansers, lotions and moisturizers, among others. The antioxidants in green tea are used to combat free radicals that cause skin aging, loss of elasticity and damage.

One product in which green tea is closely associated with is sunscreen. A number of research studies have backed up claims wherein green tea could protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays. What makes green tea an effective agent against ultraviolet rays is its catechin content. This antioxidant helps make skin re-hydrated and resilient from UV rays, therefore preventing premature ageing, drying and further damage.

While these products can come quite expensive, you can actually make your green tea sunscreen by just following these easy DIY steps:

  1. Boil 2 cups of water.
  2. Add 1 tea bag or 1/2 cup of loose green tea leaves on the boiling water.
  3. Let the tea steep for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the bag, or if you are using loose leaves, strain them off.
  5. Cool the liquid completely.
  6. Apply on skin by use of cotton balls, or you may opt to place it in a spray bottle and spray on skin.
  7. Unused liquid may be stored in an airtight container and be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

And there you have it! Your very own green tea sunscreen. You can apply it on your skin as often as you like, especially if you're always under the sun.



    • Avatar
      Karen H
      Mar 2, 2019

      It seems there is a bit of a disconnect in the recipe here, as the difference between a teabag and 1/2 cup of tea leaves is substantial. I would appreciate a response, thanks!

      • Avatar
        Aug 20, 2021

        I would imagine it meant 1/2 tablespoon;a "serving" of most loose-leaf teas tends to be 1 teaspoon, so I couldn't imagine a bagged tea being much more. Hope that helps!

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