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Enjoying Your Night Time Tea - Volume 1
Posted by      09/21/2011 00:00:00     Mad Hatter Tea Party    0 Comments

Watching blooms while drinking tea 1

If you're like me, you drink tea at all hours of the day... right up until (and sometimes past) bedtime.  This post is about one of those nights...  I love to sit outside, while drinking my favorite cup (or pot in this case) of decaf or herbal, in the summer when the night bloomers are active and take in the aroma of night blooming jasmine... Some orchids, too, only emit their lovely fragrances at night.  One of my favorite night time specticals is the opening of my night blooming Epiphylum cactus flowers. 

It starts out like this...

Watching blooms while drinking tea 2


Then begins to open...








As the bloom grows larger...

Watching blooms while drinking tea 3You can literally watch it move and open...

Watching blooms while drinking tea 4


When it is fully open, it resembles an angel with glowing white skirts...

Watching blooms while drinking tea 4There are different varieties... Some that grow upright, like thick trees with many blooms at once.  There are several of these blooming now in my neighborhood.  Mine is a vine with flat segments...

When I was a child, we had one that had segments shaped like a triangle that grew into the top of a pine tree in our back yard.  We would use a strong flashlight to watch it bloom... There was so much of it up there, we had nearly a hundred blooms in one night...  I have friends that have a viewing party when theirs is about to bloom.  Maybe next time, I'll have a Blooming Tea Party and serve a blooming tea in honor of it!

Is there something you love to do while enjoying your night time tea?


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