Tea Time
 Tea House Gossip   Started by Will B   2010-04-11 06:59:59 +01:00   Comments: 4    Viewed: 2380

  1. Will B
    Will B Member
    What's your favorite time or times of the day to have tea? If you drink tea more than once a day, do you switch types at the different times?
    Will B, 2010-04-11 06:59:59 +01:00
  2. samantha o
    samantha o Member
    the jolt of caffiene anymore. I used to, but now I can drink strong tea any time of the day. My friends tease me, but I drink Gunpowder Green Tea at midnight and can go right to sleep!
    samantha o, 2009-09-09 12:16:23 +01:00
  3. RoseMorton R
    RoseMorton R Member
    You've got to. You cant possibly drink green tea after dusk, you would never sleep unless you've built a high tolerance for caffeine. Non-caffeinated after dusk works for me. Not even mild, strictly no caffeine.
    RoseMorton R, 2010-04-24 01:23:27 +01:00
  4. Katie C
    Katie C Member
    I feel a little naked every time I don't have a cup of tea in my hand, but I switch to herbals at least a couple hours before bed. Usually start the day with a really hearty black to wake me up, but other than that I go with my mood at the time.
    Katie C, 2010-05-19 13:00:55 +01:00
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