What do you think of matcha?
 Learn About Different Tea Types   Started by Bag T   2017-09-25 02:27:40 +01:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 303

  1. Bag T
    Bag T Member
    Bag T, 2017-09-25 02:27:40 +01:00
  2. David L
    David L Member
    I love matcha. It's great how it can be used in so many ways. I prefer drinking it in usucha style, but also like making a latte every now and then.
    I didn't have the chance to try the most expnsive ones so far, but as long as it's from Japan, I like it. I know there are supposed to be some good Korean and Chinese "matcha" teas that were actually shaded, but I haven't tried those so far.
    David L, 2017-10-08 16:27:43 +01:00
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