Are you interested in Chinese tea?
 Learn About Different Tea Types   Started by Bag T   2017-08-21 01:32:20 +01:00   Comments: 5    Viewed: 401

  1. Bag T
    Bag T Member
    China is the origin of tea. There are varieties of teas in China. Which one do you like best? Or anything you want to know about Chinese tea.

    Bag T, 2017-08-21 01:32:20 +01:00
    Eric Lau likes this.
  2. Michele M
    Michele M Member
    I haven't tried many of them so far. I like steamed green teas and didn't really had a chance to explore Chinese teas so far. frown Are there Chinese steamed teas as well? Could you recommend some good tea to start off with?
    Michele M, 2017-08-22 18:02:11 +01:00
    Eric Lau likes this.
  3. Bag T
    Bag T Member
    Longjing green tea is a good choice, especially the West Lake Longjing green tea. I also drink the Maofeng tea. Both of them are green tea. Maybe you could have a try when you have the chance. Wish I can help you! laughing
    Bag T, 2017-08-24 20:26:43 +01:00
  4. David L
    David L Member
    Good choices, Bag. No Michele, Chinese teas are usually not steamed. They are pan-fired. There are a few steamed teas, but they are not so famous like long jing or mao feng. Maybe you would enjoy mao jian as well. But definitely try long jing first.
    David L, 2017-08-27 17:32:59 +01:00
  5. Michele M
    Michele M Member
    thanks, I will try them
    Michele M, 2017-09-03 18:11:33 +01:00
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