In a relationship with a non-drinker
 ChemisTea | Find Tea Friends   Started by Michele M   2017-08-05 16:27:52 +01:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 693

  1. Michele M
    Michele M Member
    Hello. I guess many of you here are really passionate about tea. Would you ever agree to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't like tea? Maybe even despise it? (I know, how could that be possible?).
    Michele M, 2017-08-05 16:29:09 +01:00
  2. David L
    David L Member
    Haha, an interesting question. Despise? I don't think I would be able to do it. If she would be able to tolerate my tea drinking mania and doesn't insult the tea, they maybe it would be ok.
    David L, 2017-08-27 17:22:34 +01:00
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