Green Tea and Flu
 Tea Health Benefits   Started by Ara Rosalia M   2012-09-28 09:56:32 +01:00   Comments: 5    Viewed: 4898

  1. Hi everyone!I have been very enthusiastic on tea topics and health. Here's an amazing find. Did you know that drinking green tea can help prevent flu infection? Yep, that's been the latest find in a research in Japan with over 2000 schoolchildren as respondents.Results showed that one to five cups of green tea a day COULD help prevent influenza virus infection. Aint that cool? B)
    Ara Rosalia M, 2012-09-28 09:56:32 +01:00
  2. Catnip J
    Catnip J Member
    HiI have also heard that elderly who gargled solutions containing green tea extracts at least thrice a day have significantly reduced cases of influenza as compared to a placebo. :)
    Catnip J, 2012-09-28 10:56:02 +01:00
  3. Jennifer S
    Jennifer S Member
    Hey you got me really into that green tea anti-influenza news. So I also did my search and here's what I found :woohoo:> I'll just have it quoted <"Researchers made the green tea solutions using 1 green tea bag per 120 mL of hot water, and 2 and 3 bags per 120 mL for the higher concentrations."So I'm thinking of experimenting on that too! Are you guys also interested? :blink:
    Jennifer S, 2012-10-19 03:29:04 +01:00
  4. Hi everyone! Making a follow up post on this thread.Well I'm excited to share that there's this nutritional supplement producer in Ontario, Bel Marra Health, perhaps most of you have heard of it, that supports the claim, yep, regarding green tea's potential flu preventive capability. This news was posted just recently, like 5 hours ago and thought I should keep you guys posted.Imma quote a paragraph from yahoo news here:"The results of the study showed that the introduction of approximately 500 micrograms per milliliter of green tea extract resulted in the absence of plaques in the cell cultures, suggesting that this green tea concentration may be effective in flu prevention. Interestingly, the results of the study also showed that the H5N2 virus, which was the viral strain responsible for the 2009 flu pandemic in Asia, was most sensitive to the green tea extract, followed by the H1N1 and H3N2 viruses."Isn't that cool? :woohoo:
    Ara Rosalia M, 2012-10-28 12:17:09 +00:00
  5. Gina g
    Gina g Member
    That sounds really cool, but will the exercise be replaced by it? The answer is not, doing daily exercise is much well for health.
    Gina g, 2017-05-26 01:40:35 +01:00
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