Green Tea masks Doping in Olympic Drug Tests!
 Tea Health Benefits   Started by Will B   2012-04-12 11:47:21 +01:00   Comments: 4    Viewed: 3360

  1. Will B
    Will B Member
    As if you didn't already need a reason to drink green tea! :cheer: A recent British study is showing that drinking green tea before a test for steroids can mask the results. So... Olympic athletes, come and get it!Read more about it here:
    Will B, 2012-04-12 11:47:21 +01:00
  2. That's crazy! Gotta hold off on my green tea before my next Olympic race then. ha
    , 2012-06-12 04:02:56 +01:00
  3. where can I read more about green tea and weight loss?
    , 2012-07-07 04:02:43 +01:00
  4. I've read that green tea can target belly fat in women.
    , 2012-07-08 07:54:06 +01:00
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