Milk in tea
 Tea Skills   Started by Julia H   2011-08-30 17:42:49 +01:00   Comments: 2    Viewed: 2315

  1. Julia H
    Julia H Member
    I've preferred tea sans milk for years but still add it now and again to certain brews, especially black breakfast blends. Which teas work best with milk and which leaves should be considered lactose intolerant?
    Julia H, 2011-08-30 17:42:49 +01:00
  2. Will B
    Will B Member
    This isn't EXACTLY what you asked, but it's a good article regarding different types of milk and non-dairy milk for different types of tea. Basically - milk and tea pairings. I hope this helps!
    Will B, 2011-08-31 13:23:26 +01:00
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